Alyssa Hale (御堂島 優 Midōshima Yū) is the protagonist of Clock Tower 2: Struggle Within. She is a multi-personalitied girl.

Alyssa Honey



Alyssa Shelbie Hale Lynn Piper Maxwell
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Brown
Gender: Female
Height: 5 foot 6
Birthday: October 27
Zodiac Sign: Scorpio
Biggest Regreat: Hurting someone that she didn't wanted to
Strength: Good student
Weakness: Losing a family member
Likes: Her adopted father, and Bates
Age: 17




Alyssa Hale (Her real name is Lynn Piper Maxwell being) was one of twins of the Maxwell family. Her real father, George Maxwell. Oneday he heard storys from the family about they where worred about George having kids. George believe the rumors. He kidnapped his kids after his wife giving birth to Alyssa and her twin. He toke them to a sematary, next door to the Research Lab. He buried Alyssa and her other twin allive At the same time, Allen Hale, Alyssa's adopted father, and he is wishing to bring down George. Because he was rich. He dug up the Maxwell grave with his brother, Philip Tate and they both found Alyssa alive but they didn't make it on time to safe her twin siter. While also uncovering a statue. The statue had powers and have giving Alyssa and her twin magical powers. Alyssa had an alter ego as known as her sister but her brother now, a male personality came to be know as 'Bates'. This personality was cold, cruel, and ruthless but kind to Alyssa.

Allen bought his daughter something know as (according to her) the 'Red Amulet ', which helped Alyssa to keep Bates out of trubble. Alyssa have killed someone in her school before she gos to the Tate house, she was sent to a mental institute.

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In the gameEdit

Alyssa was going to spend a weekend with her adoped father's brother, Phillip Tate. However, when Alyssa arrived, she discovered something terribly wrong with the house. She enters the Tate residence, in which the home was mysteriously empty no body seem to be around and she discovers body parts and finds out they are actually Ashley Tate's. Alyssa encounters Stephanie Tate infected by the toxin made by Allen Hale being chased and attacked. She burns the statue given to her by Philip Tate causing Stephanie and her to pass out by the fireplace. She later awakens in the Memorial Hospital brought here by Alex Corey explaining her that he saw her and a little girl laying on the floor and Kathryn Tate called. She encounters zombies who chase her as well. She meets Doug Bowman while exploring and Jessica Cook in a storage room. She then is attacked by Henry Kaplan who is shot by Shannon Lewis saying she won't let her die that easily. She was heading to the exit with the key fails Mr.Corey arrives and shoots the door but a mob of zombies attack. Alyssa's brother Bates magic and her magic effects causing her to pass out Alex kills the mob and brings her to the research facility.She regain conscious Alex explains everything saying Philip is behind the events Alyssa defends him though.She explores and uncovers her heritage by doing so she evaded George Maxwell releasing Allen Phillip Tate and Maxwell confront each other Phillip is killed his corpse is found by Alyssa. Allen is injured. Before the climax of the game she witnesses Shannon's death she then uncovers the truth told by Allen. After Maxwell's death she is guilty and her death would've been better.It may be possible she and Alex begin dating after the events


Alyssa is a very kind and strong-hearted caring girl. However, since her adoped father (Allen Hale) was never around, she grew up to be very quiet. Alyssa always wants to link things to the supernatural. She seems to be very apologetic as hitting Stephanie while being chased by her, she says, "Stephanie I'm sorry." She seems to be easily shocked.All of this changes when possessed by Bates. She can be compared to a shrinking violet archtype.

MissjonieAdded by Missjonie


  • "Hello...? Uncle Philip? Aunt Kathryn? It's Alyssa."
  • "What happened here?!"
  • "It's only an arm?!"
  • "Ooh, spooky!"
  • "This isn't a game!"
  • "Oh no... Ashley!"
  • "Aunt Kathryn, run! Hurry, run!"
  • "No... don't come out!"
  • "My face... It's changed... I wonder if Bates has become the dominant one."
  • "A letter...? From... Mr. Allen Hale, it's from my father!"
  • "I have to burn the statue!"
  • "Amulet... protect me!"
  • "Stephanie... I'm sorry..."
  • "Stephanie... How is she?"
  • "This place is scary!"
  • "Everyone's dead, and it's all my fault... It would have been better if I had died."
Alyssa discovered Ashley's leg in the toliet
Kellykelly777Added by Kellykelly777

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